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Season of Sacrifice

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We haven’t posted in a while because we’ve been actively working on our project of separation and secession: when a society is sick to the point of ostracizing the productive…

Accelerationism and New World Order

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The following two covers were published 33 years and 119 days apart exactly. The number 33 of course needs no further introduction; it is the occultists’ absolute favorite. 119 (and…

Interview With Claudio Grass

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The principal author of this website has given an interview to Claudio Grass. It can be found on his website too. We are reproducing it below, for our readers’ curiosity….

Review of Predictions

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Many developments have occurred in the “news” lately, and it would be appropriate to review some of the predictions we’ve been making in the past few months. When making such…

Crown and Phase

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The central planners, the barbarians who control the show, are obsessed with symbols, words, dates and numbers; they rely on them to cast spells and produce preordained outcomes. We have…

Revelation Of The Method

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There is one question very few are asking. Even on the most obscure blogs or conspiracy forums, we don’t find serious discussion of it. That question is the reason we…

Dusty Finish

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That expression “dusty finish” comes from the world of pro wrestling. Last June, in a post called Welcome to Kayfabe, we argued the “news” (and much of 20th-century history) is…

Journal From The Future (part 2)

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Here is part 1. 81 AH, 13:50 There are barely over two weeks left before the aliens, or whatever people call them nowadays, render their “collegial decision” about Earth and…

Journal From The Future

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These pages were copied from of a personal journal given to us by someone claiming to be from the future. As neither its author nor the date at which it…

Monetary Catastrophe On The Horizon

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In 1944 started what was to become the greatest era of credit expansion in the history of the world. That era is now coming to an end, and the consequences…

More On Consciousness

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Imagine that while asleep at night and dreaming, you suddenly become aware that you are in a dream: you realize that everything you are experiencing is a projection, that nothing…

Peak Circus

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Dear reader, we can tell you are not wearing your eye goggles. Are you fucking crazy? Don’t you care if millions of people die? Only Covidiot Karens would refuse to…

There Is Only Consciousness

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In 1978, a physicist by the name of John Archibald Wheeler proposed a series of thought experiments, jointly referred to as “Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment”. At the time, no practical apparatus…

Coronacircus Round Two

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Reports have been coming out of a supposed “second wave” of the coronacircus, which would call for a new round of house arrests, forceful business closures and other liberticide, oppressive…

Introduction To The Occult Circus

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On June 2, 2020 a coordinated global campaign labelled “Blackout Tuesday” was organized, ostensibly to “protest racism and police brutality”. Of course the hypocrisy of corporations that habitually support and…

Welcome to Kayfabe

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Before the scripted nature of professional wrestling became widely known, the term “kayfabe” was used as a code among industry insiders to discuss matters in public without revealing the staged…

Control The Language And You Control The Mind

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The top tennis player in the world is called “No Vac Joke Covid”. His first name “Novak” is a perfect phonetic match. The letters of his last name “Djokovic” need…

On The Future Of Social Media

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We’ve been receiving a lot of emails of readers who appreciate this content and who ask us where on social media we may be active, so that they may join…

Revolt Is Going Mainstream

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We are parsing the news regarding the Coronacircus on a daily basis, seeking to falsify our working theory; namely, that it is meant to enrage enough people to cause uprisings….

Masks As The Metaphorical Muzzle

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As we have shown in our previous posts about the psyop aspects of the coronacircus, the agenda behind this manufactured crisis is deeper than simply Bill Gates wanting to inoculate…

More On Psychological Warfare

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Our last post on the psychological warfare aspects of the coronacircus received a lot of positive feedback, so we were encouraged to expand on it. In that article, we showed…

Coronacircus Revisionism

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In previous posts we suggested that the current respiratory disease that is being called “Covid-19” may be caused by something else than a coronavirus. To be sure, lethality is greatly…

Bombshell Video Report, Prof. Raoult, Translated

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Prof. Didier Raoult is a world-renowned specialist in infectious diseases. He is the head doctor of the hospital (IHU Marseilles Mediterrannée) that has treated the most cases of the new…

Bill Gates, The Caricature of a Villain

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Bill Gates has been prominently featured since the beginning of this coronacircus. Let’s look a bit into this. His participation in the circus does not start in 2020, or in…

The Paradigm Has Started Changing

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Yesterday we published a document titled “Covid-19 does not lead to a typical Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome”, authored by doctors D. Chiumello (San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan), M. Cressoni…

Sunday Interlude from the Simpsons

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After a string of serious posts, here is a short interlude, presented to you from the Simpsons, and offered with no comment. After all, the second best antidote, after truth,…

When Fear and Reason Collide

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Fear is very bad for one’s health. Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It…

Un message pour nos amis français

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Chers amis français, enfermés et soumis à la loi martiale. Nous sommes solidaires, et, pour les sceptiques parmi vous, nous partageons vos doutes. Nous reproduisons ici un article rédigé par…

Some Weird Coincidences Everyone Should Know About

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The aim of this post is to point to a number of strange coincidences surrounding this “COVID pandemic”, and let our readers draw their own conclusions without peremptorily stating what…

Such A News Segment Would Be Impossible Today

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In a world that has been turned upside-down, glimpses into the truth are treated with increased hostility. Please consider this news segment from the 1970s, and ask yourself how likely…

What Do We Know About The COVID Test?

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We are happy to assume the lab clerks testing for the “new coronavirus” are acting in good faith. But what are they testing for exactly? And how reliable is their…

Un messaggio per i nostri amici italiani

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Il miglior antidoto è la verità. In un momento in cui i nostri diritti individuali e naturali stanno attacco a un ritmo mai visto prima in tempo di pace, è…