Analysis Opinion

Season of Sacrifice

We haven’t posted in a while because we’ve been actively working on our project of separation and secession: when a society is sick to the point of ostracizing the productive and moral few, these Atlases shrug and found their own. That’s what we’ve been doing for years; indeed the tyranny and the clown world did […]

Analysis Opinion

Accelerationism and New World Order

The following two covers were published 33 years and 119 days apart exactly. The number 33 of course needs no further introduction; it is the occultists’ absolute favorite. 119 (and its numerological equivalent 911) became famous on 9/11/2001, on the occasion of the mass-illusion and mass-ritual that happened that day. It corresponds to, among other […]


Review of Predictions

Many developments have occurred in the “news” lately, and it would be appropriate to review some of the predictions we’ve been making in the past few months. When making such forecasts, our principal aim is to give ourselves the means of testing our model; of later assessing the correctness of our understanding. The elephant in […]


Crown and Phase

The central planners, the barbarians who control the show, are obsessed with symbols, words, dates and numbers; they rely on them to cast spells and produce preordained outcomes. We have covered some of the ritualistic aspect of the coronacircus; we explained how rites of passage involve an isolation phase, a humiliation ritual, and a rebirth; […]

Analysis Opinion

Revelation Of The Method

There is one question very few are asking. Even on the most obscure blogs or conspiracy forums, we don’t find serious discussion of it. That question is the reason we created this website in the first place, and called it coronacircus. Why make it a circus? Why make this whole “pandemic” such a “scamdemic”? There […]

Analysis Opinion

Dusty Finish

That expression “dusty finish” comes from the world of pro wrestling. Last June, in a post called Welcome to Kayfabe, we argued the “news” (and much of 20th-century history) is akin to WWE, i.e. a scripted form of entertainment. For months we’ve been predicting a Trump victory in the tournament called US presidential elections. We’ve […]

Analysis Opinion

Peak Circus

Dear reader, we can tell you are not wearing your eye goggles. Are you fucking crazy? Don’t you care if millions of people die? Only Covidiot Karens would refuse to wear them! You need to comply! Rest assured, if you don’t have eye goggles yet, there is a simpler solution. If you choose to disobey, […]

Analysis Opinion

There Is Only Consciousness

In 1978, a physicist by the name of John Archibald Wheeler proposed a series of thought experiments, jointly referred to as “Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment”. At the time, no practical apparatus was available to put them to the actual test; he was still able to predict their result. His goal was to breathe new life into […]

News Opinion

Coronacircus Round Two

Reports have been coming out of a supposed “second wave” of the coronacircus, which would call for a new round of house arrests, forceful business closures and other liberticide, oppressive and iniquitous measures. Whether people would have to wear their face diapers while locked up at home remains unclear. Just today, a German district has […]

Analysis Opinion

Introduction To The Occult Circus

On June 2, 2020 a coordinated global campaign labelled “Blackout Tuesday” was organized, ostensibly to “protest racism and police brutality”. Of course the hypocrisy of corporations that habitually support and shill for war crimes now promoting such a fake, virtue-signaling campaign is nauseating. But that’s not the point; people were encouraged to post a black […]