
On The Future Of Social Media

We’ve been receiving a lot of emails of readers who appreciate this content and who ask us where on social media we may be active, so that they may join and contribute ideas, opinions, comment on articles, etc. We think that would be a great idea. As of this writing, there are about one thousand […]

Analysis Opinion

Masks As The Metaphorical Muzzle

As we have shown in our previous posts about the psyop aspects of the coronacircus, the agenda behind this manufactured crisis is deeper than simply Bill Gates wanting to inoculate the world. There is one dimension we haven’t touched yet, that is the symbolic and esoteric one. We will be doing so slowly, as it […]

Analysis Opinion

Coronacircus Revisionism Chapter Three: Pulmonary Tuberculosis

In previous posts we suggested that the rare respiratory disease that is being called “Covid-19” may be caused by something else than a “new coronavirus” so many people are being tested positive for. To be sure, recent news have been giving even more credence to this. To cite but one example, please consider this Reuters’ […]

Analysis Opinion

More On Psychological Warfare

Our last post on the psychological warfare aspects of the coronacircus received a lot of positive feedback, so we were encouraged to expand on it. In that article, we showed how the ongoing manufactured crisis is principally meant to subvert, foment distrust, and cause revolt; have the people destroy their own institutions, so the parasitic […]

Analysis News Opinion

Coronacircus Revisionism Chapter Two: Particulate Matter

In previous posts we suggested that the current respiratory disease that is being called “Covid-19” may be caused by something else than the new coronavirus so many people are being tested positive for. Please see this article for a summary of the reasons we think that might be the case; see this post for Chapter […]

Analysis Opinion

Coronacircus Revisionism

In previous posts we suggested that the current respiratory disease that is being called “Covid-19” may be caused by something else than a coronavirus. To be sure, lethality is greatly exaggerated, the fear-mongering by the various propaganda outlets is undeniable, and the attacks on our individual liberties is egregious. Still, peculiar symptoms of hypoxia, and […]

Analysis News Opinion

Provocations Are Ratcheting Up, Non-Compliance Is The Solution

As we have already highlighted in a previous post, we believe the ongoing Coronacircus is ultimately meant to provoke civil uprisings, and to thus destroy (what remains of) our Western civil and democratic institutions. We understand such a revolution seems tempting to all those who are (the authors of this website chief among them) disgusted […]

Analysis Opinion

Bill Gates, The Caricature of a Villain

Bill Gates has been prominently featured since the beginning of this coronacircus. Let’s look a bit into this. His participation in the circus does not start in 2020, or in 2019, but years before that. He has been a vaccine activist for a long time, and has been claiming to be a philanthropist for even […]

Analysis Opinion

COVID-19 In Context: Subversion, Psychological Warfare, and New World Order

Our understanding of this ongoing coronavirus situation is quite different from what we were able to find, either in the mainstream or alternative press. We have therefore decided to share it. In a nutshell, we see this crisis as the greatest offensive in psychological warfare since 9/11; the objective is mainly that of subversion, i.e. […]

Analysis Opinion

Some Weird Coincidences Everyone Should Know About

The aim of this post is to point to a number of strange coincidences surrounding this “COVID pandemic”, and let our readers draw their own conclusions without peremptorily stating what they should think. Indeed we live in a world where truth has become harder to discern, and where even the most preposterous conspiracy theories are […]