
Journal From The Future (part 2)

Here is part 1. 81 AH, 13:50 There are barely over two weeks left before the aliens, or whatever people call them nowadays, render their “collegial decision” about Earth and humanity. The deal is we’re either “cordoned off indefinitely” or “welcomed into the confederation of races”. Those were the alien’s exact words. I’m not sure […]


Journal From The Future

These pages were copied from of a personal journal given to us by someone claiming to be from the future. As neither its author nor the date at which it was written can be ascertained, it is best to view it as pure fiction. 08:16 As it has been doing for most of the past […]


Sunday Interlude from the Simpsons

After a string of serious posts, here is a short interlude, presented to you from the Simpsons, and offered with no comment. After all, the second best antidote, after truth, is laughter. Here is video archive 1, archive 2.


On The Near-Miraculous Prophylactic and Healing Power of Vitamin C

It is utter common knowledge that vitamin C is beneficial in case of a cold, or the flu. However, it is probably not known to which extent this is the case; furthermore, in times of universal deceit, the most obvious, self-evident truths are the ones that deserve the most repeating. Background First, let us introduce […]