News Opinion

Many Experts Are Very Skeptical Of the Mass-Hysteria

Yet their voice isn’t being heard. First, here is a 10′ video by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German epidemologist. Here is the tl,dw from the YT video description. The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified […]

Analysis Opinion

Recent Flu Shot Campaigns May Have Made The New COVID Situation Worse

In this post we shall propose 3 peer-reviewed studies, and let our readers decide whether the title above is an accurate description of reality. First Study Link (archive 1, archive 2) We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of […]

News Opinion

Such A News Segment Would Be Impossible Today

In a world that has been turned upside-down, glimpses into the truth are treated with increased hostility. Please consider this news segment from the 1970s, and ask yourself how likely you would be to see something like this today. On further investigation, it is not all that surprising however. The vaccine court, whose proceedings are […]

Analysis Opinion

What Do We Know About The COVID Test?

We are happy to assume the lab clerks testing for the “new coronavirus” are acting in good faith. But what are they testing for exactly? And how reliable is their test? Here is some little-publicized information that may partially answer these questions. Exhibit 1 A Chinese study published by researchers Zhuang GH et al., from […]


Un messaggio per i nostri amici italiani

Il miglior antidoto è la verità. In un momento in cui i nostri diritti individuali e naturali stanno attacco a un ritmo mai visto prima in tempo di pace, è importante comprendere il contesto. Questo video può aiutarvi a mettervi sulla strada giusta.