The Best Antidote Is The Truth

Become a member and join a community of truth seekers that see beyond the dialectic. We are aware of the kayfabe, and the utterly scripted nature of world events. We question everything, up to the nature of reality itself, with no dogma, and no certitude. Our only service is to the truth, for the sake of Truth itself.

the word “revolution” means going full-circle, and returning to the origin

we declare sovereignty. we secede. we separate.

When a society is so sick it abandons all compassion and reason, its healthiest and most courageous participants leave to create a better one. When a civilization is so decayed it ostracizes its most moral and productive members, these Atlases shrug and found their own.

Many people unfortunately remain under the central planners’ spell, and it would be just as wrong to force reason on them as it would be to open the pen of unwilling domesticated animals. They fear the big bad wolf, and we can’t make them assume the responsibility of freedom. Changing the world is changing other people, and we can’t force it. When enough people change themselves, the world will change as well.

In the mean time, we have a duty to our own conscience, and to Providence. In this strange realm called reality, nothing matters more than serving Truth, Beauty, Love, and Liberty. Denouncing this sick order – built on consumption instead of production, on debt instead of savings, and on appearance instead of substance – is not enough. We decide to separate from it; not merely for survival, but first and foremost for conscience.

If you recognize yourself in these simple statements, you are meant to join our community. If you are a long-time reader of the Coronacircus blog, you know about our project already. We are building a libertarian community in the Swiss Alps. We know that Truth exists, but that it is unfathomable; we seek to humbly approximate it, with no certitude, and no dogma. The more we know, the more we know that we know nothing.

Breakaway Civilization

We Are Building An Ark, Online and IN Real Life

Every human is a sovereign being of divine right. Those who realize this, and wish to live morally, may feel alone and alienated, surrounded by domesticated peers.

Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be. People are joining freedom cells around the world. Before deciding to live together in real life, we can meet and exchange online.

Membership Advantages

A MessageBoard Platform

It is meant for members of our community to exchange ideas and insights; but also to meet, exchange, organize and support each other in real life.

A Video Platform

Built on PeerTube, it is federated with many video platforms of the resistance. It is an uncensored and curated repository of knowledge.

A BiWeekly Podcast

Icaros, the writer of the Coronacircus blog, shares his humble analysis and predictions every two weeks, with guests affiliated with the same freedom cell.

A MOnthly Article

Icaros has been shedding light on the psychological, occult, and esoteric aspects of world events. This continues monthly for members of the community.

A Biannual Invitation

As members of the community, you will be invited to our biannual freedom parties in Ticino, Switzerland, to visit our freedom cell IRL and meet others members.

A Libgen mirror

With over 2.5 million books, Libgen is the new library of Alexandria. A dedicated mirror is meant to ensure this invaluable resource never dies. Coming in 2025.

A Private Torrent Tracker

A private online community needs first and foremost to exchange files freely and securely. Meant for all types of learning resources. Coming in 2025.

A Few Other Surprises

We have other projects in the pipeline that we aren’t ready to disclose yet. The common goal of everything we do is to empower sovereign individuals.